Back of the Napkin
October 14th, 2024

1 Year Anniversary

My, how time flies. I've been doing this leather thing full-time for a year now. Up to this point last year it was just a hobby that turned into a part-time thing. It is incredible how much has changed since I picked up my first leather and tools in early 2021. But now to have a year of doing this full-time already...just amazing.

I've learned a lot, grown a lot, sold a lot, made a lot, and changed a lot.

A massive THANK YOU to all of my customers! None of this possible without you! I never take for granted that you put your trust in me to deliver, especially as most of my sales are online sales I always aim to exceed expectations! I look forward to another year of making leather goods for your to use yourself or to give as gifts.

This past year has seen a lot of new products added to my portfolio, most notably the products underneath the Strathmere Leather brand. Of all that I make, I am most proud of these items. These products not only encourage us to "Elevate Your Everyday" but also to get out more (speaking to myself here, too). I look forward to continuing to expand on this line of products: Luggage, Bags, and Accessories for the Discerning Traveler.

To close this out, for the next 24-hours I am running a flash sale on my entire portfolio, 25% off everything. Sale will end at 1:30 PM EST 10/15/2024 (just email me before that date and time).

Browse all that I have to offer at my main website and the Strathmere Leather website, compile a list of what you'd like to order, then just shoot me an email. I'll be in-touch from there to confirm everything.

I guess that's another noteworthy part of this past year: trying to make online commerce (e-commerce) more human again (via the type of process described above).

Thanks again for all of your support, thanks for reading along, and here's to another year! 🥂 ~ Aaron