Back of the Napkin
September 14th, 2024

back of the napkin scribbles vol. 2

Writing this at the end of a very long and busy 2 or so work weeks. Maybe a month. Maybe a year. I don’t remember the last time I had a day off, a day where I didn’t do some work on a client project. Even Saturday’s and Sunday’s lately include some client work, even if a small step in a larger project.

American Gangster, unrelated to this post.
American Gangster, unrelated to this post.

Bottle of wine in motion at the moment, an autumn and winter thing craving for me. Had a cigar earlier while I edited the below mentioned Jefferson video. Listening to Jay-Z right now, my go-to lately. Classics for me. Currently American Gangster, a movie to watch again. Maybe some of that later with a midnight snack. 


The Jefferson

Screenshot of the video portion of the Jefferson case website, featuring Ning's calligraphy for the logo.
Screenshot of the video portion of the Jefferson case website, featuring Ning's calligraphy for the logo.

Worked in some time this evening to work on a video for The Jefferson notebook case. Finished recording the walkthrough and have the website updated with it. Just a few finishing touches on the website before I launch it. That’ll be soon! Logo for this product, shown in the screenshot above, created by Ning...always a pleasure to work with her on this type of project. She is great at capturing exactly how a product is to look with her calligraphy. 

Shipped Orders

I’ve finished and shipped a lot of large projects lately. One was a wholesale order to a cigar shop out in Cali. I hope the items sell well and become repeat business.

cigars cases in suede, with hand-painted logos
cigars cases in suede, with hand-painted logos

Also finished a very custom order of suede cigar cases (above). The cases shown are made with Italian suede, in a shade that jives with my client’s logo, which is hand-painted and then stitched into place on the front of each case. I was and am absolutely floored with how awesome these turned out. Will have suede cigar cases available for purchase soon based on this project. 

Also finished and shipped 6 of my large (18x12x12) leather bins (12 photos of those are below) to my client in New York. Thrilled with how they turned out. I have a very strong love hate relationship with these bins. Anytime I make them I vow to remove them from my portfolio and shop. But they sell, and I’m a small business, and cash is nice to have. And so I’m going to keep them around and just keep raising the price. They are amazing though, always worth the insane amount of work they require (as simple as they may appear!). 

Scroll past the photos, but love them, for the entire purpose of this post...a short update on the Franklin bag.