Back of the Napkin
April 9th, 2024

new business cards

Up to this point in my life and “career” and such I have done all of my own design work. But I am not a designer. I don’t know the first thing about design, I just know what I like and what I don’t like. I also like to design in small batches, make something, put out there, see how it goes, and iterate.

The new business cards are an upgrade from the previous batch I was using which were hand-stamped and really cool looking but really time consuming and time is something that I don’t have enough of lately...and so the printing of the cards was handed off to a friend mine who has a local print shop.

new business cards

The cards themselves are nice and thick, sharp square corners, pen-friendly material. They feature my new “logo” on the front: a whimsical looking tree, the year I established this business of mine, and the name A. M. Aiken centered underneath. It is simple. It is vague. It is nondescript, by design.

The back has a big picture of yours truly, smiling and looking my best. Next to that is my name and contact info. No title. No tagline. No slogan. Nothing other than a few details.

I kept everything about this run as vague as possible because I feel a slight shift in my business where it does not focus solely on leather but branches out into other crafts. I envision the brand A. M. Aiken as one that manufactures in-house goods that are designed in-house with the purpose of helping our customers to “elevate their everyday.” That’s the mission, that’s the goal, that’s the why “we” make what we do (still just me though, but desperately need another artisan to join me, and a personal assistant).

The coloring on the front of the card is funky, which is a design issue on my end. Otherwise, I’m happy to have this batch and look forward to handing them out to folks at events I’ll be attending in the coming months.

~ Aaron